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Research Publications - 2022 Quarter 2


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From April to June 2022, Hong Kong Branch funded projects have published 34 SCI research articles.

  1. Global 16S rRNA diversity of provannid snail endosymbionts from Indo-Pacific deep-sea hydrothermal vents
    Author(s): Corinna Breusing, Jade Castel, Yi Yang, Thomas Broquet,Jin Sun, Didier Jollivet, Pei-Yuan Qian, Roxanne A. Beinart*
    Source: Environmental Microbiology Reports, v. 14, (2), April 2022, p. 299-307
  2. Complex impacts of hydraulic fracturing return fluids on soil microbial community respiration, structure and functional potentials
    Author(s): Cheng Zhong*, Camilla L. Nesbø, Konstantin von Gunten, Yifeng Zhang, Xiaoqing Shao, Rong Jin, Kurt O. Konhauser, Greg G. Goss, Jonathan W. Martin, Yuhe He, Pei-Yuan Qian, Brian D. Lanoil, Daniel S. Alessi*
    Source: Environmental Microbiology, 13 April 2022
  3. Comparative transcriptomic analysis of in situ and onboard fixed deep-sea limpets reveals sample preparation-related differences
    Author(s): Guoyong Yan, Yi Lan, Jin Sun, Ting Xu, Tong Wei, Pei-Yuan Qian*
    Source: Iscience, v.25, (4), 15 April 2022, 104092
  4. Griseocazines: Neuroprotective Multiprenylated Cyclodipeptides Identified through Targeted Genome Mining
    Author(s): Jessie James Limlingan Malit, Chuanhai Wu, Xueying Tian, Wenchao Liu, Duli Huang, Herman H.-Y. Sung, Ling-Li Liu, Ian D. Williams, Pei-Yuan Qian*
    Source: Organic Letters, v. 24, (16), 18 April 2022, p. 2967–2972
  5. Complete mitochondrial genome of Paralvinella palmiformis (Polychaeta: Alvinellidae)
    Author(s): Maeva Perez*, Hao Wang, Bernard Angers, Pei-Yuan Qian
    Source: Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources, v. 7, (5), 9 May 2022, p. 786-788
  6. Marine biofilms: diversity, interactions and biofouling
    Author(s): Pei-Yuan Qian*, Aifang Cheng, Ruojun Wang, Rui Zhang
    Source: Nature Reviews Microbiology, 25 May 2022
  7. Maternal transfer and biodistribution of citrate and luminogens coated silver nanoparticles in medaka fish
    Author(s): Neng Yan, Wen-Xiong Wang*
    Source: Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 433, 5 July 2022, 128862
  8. Roles of hemocyte subpopulations in silver nanoparticle transformation and toxicity in the oysters Crassostrea hongkongensis
    Author(s): Yali Luo, Wen-Xiong Wang*
    Source: Environmental Pollution, v.305, 15 July 2022, 119281
  9. Delineating biogeographic regions in Indian Ocean deep-sea vents and implications for conservation
    Author(s): Yadong Zhou, Chong Chen, Dongsheng Zhang, Yejian Wang, Hiromi Kayama Watanabe, Jin Sun, Dass Bissessur, Ruiyan Zhang, Yuru Han, Dong Sun, Peng Xu, Bo Lu, Hongchang Zhai, Xiqiu Han, Chunhui Tao, Zhongyan Qiu, Yanan Sun, Zhensheng Liu, Jian-Wen Qiu, Chunsheng Wang*
    Source: Diversity and Distributions, 27 April 2022
  10. Macro-ecology of cold seeps in the South China Sea
    Author(s): Xudong Wang, Hongxiang Guan, Jian-Wen Qiu, Ting Xu, Jörn Peckmann, Duofu Chen, Dong Feng*
    Source: Geosystems and Geoenvironment, v. 1, (3), August 2022, 100081
  11. Anti-epileptic Kunitz-like peptides discovered in the branching coral Acropora digitifera through transcriptomic analysis
    Author(s): Hanbin Chen, Shirley Weng In Siu, Clarence Tsun Ting Wong, Jianwen Qiu, Alex Kwok-Kuen Cheung*, Simon Ming Yuen Lee*
    Source: Archives of Toxicology, v. 96, 23 May 2022, p. 2589-2608
  12. Correlational networking guides the discovery of unclustered lanthipeptide protease-encoding genes
    Author(s): Dan Xue, Ethan A. Older, Zheng Zhong, Zhuo Shang, Nanzhu Chen, Nolan Dittenhauser, Lukuan Hou, Peiyan Cai, Michael D. Walla, Shi-Hui Dong, Xiaoyu Tang, Hexin Chen, Prakash Nagarkatti, Mitzi Nagarkatti, Yong-Xin Li*, Jie Li*
    Source: Nature Communications, v. 13, 28 March 2022, 1647
  13. Distribution and Oxidation Rates of Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea Influenced by the Coastal Upwelling off Eastern Hainan Island
    Author(s): Hao Liu, Peng Zhou, Shunyan Cheung, Yanhong Lu, Hongbin Liu, Hongmei Jing*
    Source: Microorganisms, v. 10, (5), 30 April 2022, 952
  14. A multi-tissue, multi-species assessment of lipid and urea stable isotope biases in mesopredator elasmobranchs
    Author(s): Joshua Bennett-Williams*, Christina Skinner, Alex S. J. Wyatt, Rona A. R. McGill, Trevor J. Willis
    Source: Frontiers in Marine Science, v. 9, 24 March 2022, 821478
  15. Biochemical and structural characterization of the cyanophage‐encoded phosphate binding protein: implications for enhanced phosphate uptake of infected cyanobacteria
    Author(s): Fangxin Zhao, Xingqin Lin, Kun Cai, Yong Liang Jiang, Tianchi Ni, Yue Chen, Jianrong Feng, Shangyu Dang, Cong-Zhao Zhou*, Qinglu Zeng*
    Source: Environmental Microbiology, v. 24, (7), July 2022, p. 3037-3050
  16. Diverse Subclade Differentiation Attributed to the Ubiquity of Prochlorococcus High-Light-Adapted Clade II
    Author(s): Wei Yan*, Xuejin Feng, Ta-Hui Lin, Xingyu Huang, Le Xie, Shuzhen Wei, Kun Zhou, Yi-Lung Chen, Weicheng Luo, Wenqian Xu, Wei Zhang, Muhammad Zohaib Nawaz, Ya-Wei Luo, Qinglu Zeng*, Rui Zhang*, Nianzhi Jiao
    Source: Mbio, v. 13, (2), 14 March 2022, e03027-21
  17. 傅立叶变换离子回旋共振质谱在溶解性有机质组成分析中的应用
    Author(s): 何晨, 何丁, 陈春茂, 史权*
    Source: 中国科学: 地球科学, v. 52, (8), 25 May 2022
  18. Functional heterogeneity of immune defenses in molluscan oysters Crassostrea hongkongensis revealed by high-throughput single-cell transcriptome
    Author(s): Jie Meng, Guofan Zhang*, Wen-Xiong Wang*
    Source: Fish & Shellfish Immunology, v. 120, January 2022, p. 202-213
  19. A broadly neutralizing antibody protects Syrian hamsters against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron challenge
    Author(s): Biao Zhou, Runhong Zhou, Bingjie Tang, Jasper Fuk-Woo Chan, Mengxiao Luo, Qiaoli Peng, Shuofeng Yuan, Hang Liu, Bobo Wing-Yee Mok, Bohao Chen, Pui Wang, Vincent Kwok-Man Poon, Hin Chu, Chris Chung-Sing Chan, Jessica Oi-Ling Tsang, Chris Chun-Yiu Chan, Ka-Kit Au, Hiu-On Man, Lu Lu, Kelvin Kai-Wang To, Honglin Chen, Kwok-Yung Yuen, Shangyu Dang*, Zhiwei Chen*
    Source: Nature Communications, v. 13, 23 June 2022, 3589
  20. 1, 5‐Allyl Shift by a Sequential Achmatowicz/Oxonia‐Cope/Retro‐Achmatowicz Rearrangement
    Author(s): Dr. Xiayan Zhang, Yi Tong, Gang Li, Hao Zhao, Guanye Chen, Dr. Hongliang Yao*, Prof. Dr. Rongbiao Tong*
    Source: Angewandte Chemie International Edition, v. 61, (32), 7 June 2022, e202205919
  21. Environmental risk of trace metals and metalloids in estuarine sediments: An example from Southampton Water, UK
    Author(s): Omar Celis-Hernandez*, Andrew B. Cundy, Ian W. Croudace, Raymond D. Ward
    Source: Marine Pollution Bulletin, v. 178, May 2022, 113580
  22. Transgenerational bone toxicity in F3 medaka (Oryzias latipes) induced by ancestral benzo [a] pyrene exposure: Cellular and transcriptomic insights
    Author(s): Jiezhang Mo**, Miles Teng Wan**, Doris Wai-Ting Au&, Jingchun Shi, Nathan Tam, Xian Qin, Napo K. M. Cheung, Keng Po Lai, Christoph Winkler, Richard Yuen-Chong Kong*, Frauke Seemann*
    Source: Journal of Environmental Sciences, v. 127, 10 May 2022, p. 336-348
  23. Assessment of parental benzo[a]pyrene exposure-induced cross-generational neurotoxicity and changes in offspring sperm DNA methylome in medaka fish
    Author(s): Teng Wan, Doris Wai-Ting Au, Jiezhang Mo, Lianguo Chen, Kwok-Ming Cheung, Richard Yuen-Chong Kong, Frauke Seemann*
    Source: Environmental Epigenetics, v. 8, (1), 27 May 2022, dvac013
  24. Supplementation with rac-GR24 Facilitates the Accumulation of Biomass and Astaxanthin in Two Successive Stages of Haematococcus pluvialis Cultivation
    Author(s): Xiang Wang, Jin-Hua Mou, Zi-Hao Qin, Ting-Bin Hao, Lan Zheng, Joseph Buhagiar, Yu-Hong Liu, Srinivasan Balamurugan, Yuhe He, Carol Sze Ki Lin*, Wei-Dong Yang, Hong-Ye Li*
    Source: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, v. 70, (15), 6 April 2022, p. 4677-4689
  25. 3-Oxoacyl acyl carrier protein reductase overexpression reveals its unprecedented roles in biofuel production and high-temperature tolerance in diatom
    Author(s): Guang-Bin Ye, Zi-Hao Qin, Xiao-Yun Bin, Jin-Hua Mou, Carol Sze Ki Lin, Hong-Ye Li, Xiang Wang*
    Source: Fuel, v. 325, 18 June 2022, 124844
  26. A combined light regime and carbon supply regulation strategy for microalgae-based sugar industry wastewater treatment and low-carbon biofuel production to realise a circular economy
    Author(s): Xiang Wang, Zi-Hao Qin, Ting-Bin Hao, Guang-Bin Ye, Jin-Hua Mou, Srinivasan Balamurugan, Xiao-Yun Bin, Joseph Buhagiar, Hong-Mei Wang, Carol Sze Ki Lin, Wei-Dong Yang*, Hong-Ye Li*
    Source: Chemical Engineering Journal, v. 446, Part 4, 9 June 2022, 137422
  27. Tissue-Specific Uptake, Depuration Kinetics, and Suspected Metabolites of Three Emerging Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) in Marine Medaka
    Author(s): Qi Wang, Yuefei Ruan*, Linjie Jin, Huiju Lin, Meng Yan, Jiarui Gu, Calista N. T. Yuen, Kenneth M. Y. Leung, Paul K. S. Lam*
    Source: Environmental Science & Technology, v. 56, (10), 19 April 2022, p. 6182–6191
  28. Molecular analyses revealed three morphologically similar species of non‐native apple snails and their patterns of distribution in freshwater wetlands of Hong Kong
    Author(s): Qian-Qian Yang, Jack Chi-Ho Ip, Xing-Xing Zhao, Jia-Nan Li, Yu-Jie Jin, Xiao-Ping Yu, Jian-Wen Qiu*
    Source: Diversity and Distributions, v. 28, (1), January 2022, p. 97-111
  29. Endosymbiont population genomics sheds light on transmission mode, partner specificity, and stability of the scaly-foot snail holobiont
    Author(s): Yi Lan, Jin Sun, Chong Chen, Hao Wang, Yao Xiao, Maeva Perez, Yi Yang, Yick Hang Kwan, Yanan Sun, Yadong Zhou, Xiqiu Han, Junichi Miyazaki, Tomo-o Watsuji, Dass Bissessur, Jian-Wen Qiu, Ken Takai, Pei-Yuan Qian*
    Source: The ISME Journal, 17 June 2022
  30. Bathiapeptides: Polythiazole-Containing Peptides from a Marine Biofilm-Derived Bacillus sp.
    Author(s): Chuanhai Wu, Jianwei Tang, Jessie James Limlingan Malit, Ruojun Wang, Herman H.-Y. Sung, Ian D. Williams*, Pei-Yuan Qian*
    Source: Journal of Natural Products, v. 85, (7), 15 June 2022, p. 1751-1762
  31. Targeted Large-Scale Genome Mining and Candidate Prioritization for Natural Product Discovery
    Author(s): Jessie James Limlingan Malit, Hiu Yu Cherie Leung, Pei-Yuan Qian*
    Source: Science of The Total Environment, v. 20, (6), 16 June 2022, 398
  32. Microplastics contamination in bivalves from the Daya Bay: Species variability and spatio-temporal distribution and human health risks
    Author(s): Heng-Xiang Li, Min Shi, Fei Tian, Lang Lin, Shan Liu, Rui Hou, Jin-Ping Peng, Xiang-Rong Xu*
    Source: Science of The Total Environment, v. 841, 22 June 2022, 156749
  33. Unraveling Metabolite Provisioning to Offspring Through Parental Fluids: A Case Study of the Brazilian Guitarfish, Pseudobatos horkelii
    Author(s): Natascha Wosnick*, Renata Daldin Leite, Eloísa Pinheiro Giareta, Danny Morick, Rachel Ann Hauser-Davis*
    Source: Frontiers in Physiology, v.13, 20 June 2022, 911617
  34. First isolation and characterization of Streptococcus agalactiae from a stranded wild common dolphin (Delphinus delphis)
    Author(s): Danny Morick*, Nadav Davidovich, Ziv Zemah-Shamir, Eyal Bigal, Assaf Rokney, Merav Ron, Shlomo E. Blum, Marcelo Fleker, Esteban Soto, Taylor I. Heckman, Stanley C. K. Lau, Natascha Wosnick, Dan Tchernov, Aviad P. Scheinin
    Source: Frontiers in Marine Science, v. 9, 12 April 2022, 824071